Simplicity Funerals, 22A Adelaide Road, Gawler South

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Simplicity Funerals is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Funeral home  


+61 8 8522 3900

22A Adelaide Road, Gawler South, South Australia 5118

Establishment   Funeral home  

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  • Paull Guster
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    We had a funeral service at Simplicity Funeral's Gawler Funeral Home for our Mum early in 2016. The room was able to take around 20 - 25 people and was just the right size for the planned numbers, however we had many more than planned and they stood up at the back but it really wasn't a problem. The organiser (Margaret Stone) was very helpful and supportive from start to finish and guided us throughout the formalities with compassion and understanding. We had lots of pictures of Mum (.jpg) accompanied by music we provided (.mp3). Robyn Dennard did a beautiful job as celebrant and lifted our mood and said all the right things. To both Maraget and Robyn I say thank you for your professionalism. Everyone in our family thought that you exceeded our expectations by a long shot. Thank You!

    Tips for future customers: the parking out front (Adelaide Road) is limited (I think it was 2 hrs but getting a park could be difficult at some times) but the good news is they have a big parking lot at the rear - you can only get into it via a one way street. Best to ask them how to get to it easily. The size of the waiting/refreshement room is small - comfortably holds about a dozen people (six seated on two 3 seat sofas). Overflows into the corridor or outside in the car park area. Refreshments OK - coffee, tea. Toilet facilities good. This place is ideal for a small funeral.
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Simplicity Funerals is based in Gawler South. Full address is 22A Adelaide Road. Australia postal code is 5118. We invite you to visit the official website of Simplicity Funerals . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 8 8522 3900 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of Simplicity Funerals.
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